Saturday, August 16, 2008

friday night, and the lights are low

to the mgchoir 2008:
i am so very very proud of you. you have no idea how many other people are too. i want to thank each and every one of you for putting in absolutely EVERYTHING you had to make this concert such a huge success. never heard such loud applause and cheers before, AND NEVER SEEN SO MANY FLASHING LIGHTS! ahahha. we're SUPERSTARS, yo! the teachers are crazily proud of us, the conductors (including ms j tham, i'm sure she'd be EXTREMELY proud), our lovely seniors, the audience, and most important of all,


we have worked so hard for this, and what we saw today was just awesome. AWEsome. AWEMUCH. hahahaha. see! isnt this much better than disappointing ourselves, hahaha. :Di will forever cherish every memory made, every note sung, every scream uh screamed, every heart that made today such a success.we didnt just make everyone around us proud,we impressed them and blew their socks off. or shoes. whichever.

to the mgchoir comm 2007-2008:
we made it.
and now, it's time for us to hand over and take the lead (yet again) to bring the choir to greater heights.

to the awesomest president i've ever seen: RACHEL CHIU BOBO.
i'll never forget everything you've done for me. i'll never forget the really difficult times we had when we first started working together. it wasnt easy; IT WAS DIFFICULT, but we did it. we did it! we're the best pair of boboheads ANYONE has ever seen. I LOVE YOU, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! :D:D

to the most incredibly patient secretary: NICOLE CHEE.
i seriously hate your job, HAHAHAHA. i'm sorry i just have to say this. but oh well, you rock at it so who's complaining but you? hahahahaha. LOVE YOU SO MUCH, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING THESE PAST FEW/MANY YEARS. :D:D continue singing for the glory of God, yes! :D

to the craziest student conductress: VIOLETTE TRUONG.
I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU. SERIOUSLY. thanks for that awesome solo tonight, it had me grinning from EAR TO EAR again. i'll never forget all the stupid things we've done in choir, in europe, even today, in the toilet. HAHAHA.

to the group of insane sectional leaders: CHRISTINE LEE, GABRIELLE ONG, CLAIRE CHONG AND CHIAM QINGLING.i have you all to thank for teaching the choir the music, and for adding so much fun to practices. i'll never forget our sectionals (BEAR! :D) and how fruitFUL they always were. hahaha right! :D

we did it.
but now,

to the mgchoir comm 2008-2009:
well, it's only just started, you know. although i'm sure all of us are worn out already, it's only just the beginning (technically speaking.). you have no idea how proud i am of all of you (and we've only just begun working together!) yay i really hope the year ahead will be nothing short of amazing, and truly miraculous.

to the awesome powerpuff girls: MS THAM PEI WEN, MS ANGELA NG, MRS CHERIE HENG.
i'll never forget everything you've done for us. never ever. imagine us without you! ah hahaha. your guidance, love, support, encouragement and care is GREATLY APPRECIATED.

to the two loveliest conductors: MS JENNIFER THAM AND MR ALBERT TAY.
thank you both SO MUCH for everything you've given to us, the music, the passion, the life. without you two, we (literally) wouldnt have been up on stage. except for chispa and las amarillas, of course.

i'll never forget tonight.
and the smiles, they were blinding.
for once.


oh sorry,
this is elizabeth. hahahaha.